AHDC 9 February 2025: Closed Unrestricted, Combined Training, Interschool - 09/02/2025
Scratched Results
Select Class:
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01-Open Prep 1
01A-Interschool Prep 1 - Intermediate
02-Open Prep 2
02a-Interschool Prep 2 - Secondary
02b-Interschool Prep 2 - Intermediate
03-Open Preliminary 1.1
03-Open Prep 3
03a-Interschool Preliminary 1.1 - Primary
03b-Interschool Preliminary 1.1 - Intermediate
03c-Interschool Preliminary 1.1 - Secondary
03d-Open Preliminary 1.2
03e-Interschool Preliminary 1.2 - Primary
03f-Interschool Preliminary 1.2 - Secondary
03g-Interschool Preliminary 1.2 - Intermediate
04-Open Novice 2.1
04B-Open Novice 2.2
05-Interschool Elementary 3.1 - primary
05a-Interschool Elementary 3.1 - Secondary
05A-Interschool Elementary 3.2 - Primary
05b-Interschool Elementary 3.1 - Intermediate
06-Closed Restricted Medium 4.1
06A-Closed Restricted Medium 4.2
07-Closed Restricted Advanced 5.1
07A-Closed Restricted Advanced 5.2
09-Open 45 cm Jumping & Preliminary 1.2
09A-Interschool 45cm Preliminary 1.2 - Primary
09B-Interschool 45cm Preliminary 1.2 - Secondary
10-Open 60 cm Jumping and Preliminary 1.2
10A-Interschool 60cm Preliminary 1.2 - Primary
10B-Interschool 60cm Preliminary 1.2 - Secondary
10C-Interschool 60cm Preliminary 1.2 - Intermediate
11-Open 80 cm Jumping & Preliminary 1.2
11A-Interschool 80cm Preliminary 1.2 - Primary
11B-Interschool 80cm Preliminary 1.2 - Secondary
11C-Interschool 80cm Preliminary 1.2 - Intermediate
12-Open 95 cm Jumping & Preliminary 1.2
12A-Interschool 95cm Preliminary 1.2 - Secondary
12B-Interschool 95cm Preliminary 1.2 - Intermediate
13-Open 105 cm jumping and Novice 2.2
13A-Interschool 105cm Novice 2.2 - Secondary
14-Interschool Novice 2.2 - Primary
15-Interschool Novice 2.2 - Secondary
16-Interschool Novice 2.2 - Intermediate
17`-Interschool Novice 2.1 - Primary
18-Interschool Novice 2.1 - Secondary
19-Interschool Novice 2.1 - Intermediate