CDG Summer Series 2025
February 15th.
Saturday 15th – 1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3, PSG, Inter I, Inter A, Inter B,
Inter II and GP
Enquiries to: Karen Herald text 0419588559 or email
Scratching’s: Text only please 0419588559 or via nominate
Prizes: Ribbons 1st to 6th. Prizes for winners, best presented, best matchy matchy, most harmonious award, best performed OTT, best performed exotic and more. Prizes for champions & reserves in overal series and other place getters as determined by the organizers.
Conditions of entry: Entry is based on acceptance of the full list of Conditions of Entry which is available for viewing on our website, The onus is on the competitor to be aware of the rules that apply to the CDG Grounds and events. The event organizers have the right to refuse any nominations for any reason they see fit.
Attire: As per EA rules, club shirt optional, coloured saddle cloths or jods. Plaiting optional. Bridle number on both sides compulsory. Free dress and matchy matchy ok, no boots or bandages on horse during the test. No rugs or hoods on horses in the indoor. Arena familiarisation will be available on the Friday afternoon at a cost of $10 per horse. Times will be made available with the draw.
- Riders must be a current CDG Member
- All classes run from 8am-6pm Saturday subject to numbers and heat
- Please advise in the comments if you have work commitments or travel issues and need ride times adjusted when you nominate, I will try and accommodate
- Competition may be split into divisions if class numbers are high
- Test sheets will be electronic, collect ribbons from gear check
- Ponies and horses will be split depending on numbers
- Smiling and having fun is compulsory
- Juniors and Seniors will be split in all tests
- All tests will be indoor arenas
- You must compete in all 3 series to be eligible for the championship
- Unlimited horses per rider
- Maximum 3 tests per day per horse. Only 2 consecutive levels may be entered.
- Abuse of horses, officials, or organisers will not be tolerated and will entail elimination without a refund
- Horse & Rider combination must compete at the same level throughout the series to be eligible for the championship
- No refunds under any circumstance sorry
- HORSE FLOAT PARKING AT STABLE COMPLEX ONLY. No parking at indoor with horse floats & trucks.
- All camping and stabling queries via QSEC
Please Note: QSEC camping & stabling must be booked separately via the QSEC stabling on